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Metal Roof

What is an Exposed Fastener Metal Roof?

September 23rd, 2024 | 6 min. read

What is an Exposed Fastener Metal Roof?

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Interested in an exposed fastener metal roof? Are you trying to decide if it’s the right roofing material for your roof replacement?

This is understandable, especially considering an exposed fastener metal roof isn’t right for every homeowner or situation. Well, you can’t decide for yourself without having the right information. 

So, what is an exposed fastener metal roof? And what do you need to know about it?

For over 30 years, Bill Ragan Roofing has taken pride in helping homeowners make their roofing material choice with transparent information. So, let’s do a deep dive into an exposed fastener metal roof and what you need to know about it. 

This article answers the following questions about an exposed fastener metal roof:

  • What is an exposed fastener metal roof?
  • How long does an exposed fastener metal roof last?
  • How much does an exposed fastener metal roof system cost?
  • What warranties come with an exposed fastener metal roof?
  • How often do the screws on an exposed fastener metal roof need to be replaced?
  • Will you hear rain hit an exposed fastener metal roof?

What is an exposed fastener metal roof?

An exposed fastener metal roof (also called screw down) is a series of panels fastened down to the decking through the metal. This leaves the fasteners exposed on top of the metal panels, which is where the name comes from.

examples of exposed fastener metal roofs

While there are multiple metal roofing options, steel and aluminum are the two most common for an exposed fastener metal roof. This is mainly due to affordability, but it’s also because it doesn’t make sense to screw through a premium metal like copper.

Just know there are two issues to worry about with the exposed fastener installation method. The first one is leak potential simply because the fasteners are exposed to the elements.

The second problem is that the panels can’t expand and contract freely when the metal goes through thermal expansion. This puts pressure on the fasteners, which eventually wallows out the holes in the washers around the screws (more on this later).

How long does an exposed fastener metal roof last?

A properly installed exposed fastener metal roof should last 20 years, with the potential to get up to 30 years with proper maintenance. Just keep in mind that multiple factors ultimately determine how long it’ll last. 

These factors include:

  • Metal type
  • Gauge of metal
  • Your area’s climate
  • Extreme weather
  • Installation quality
  • The painted finish on the panels

There’s always the potential for premature failure, especially with a cheap metal or poor installation. But as long as you hire a great roofing contractor with metal roofing expertise, you’ll get as much as possible out of an exposed fastener metal roof.

How much does an exposed fastener metal roof system cost?

The biggest concern homeowners have when getting a new roof is how much it costs. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to give you an exact price without a roof assessment.

However, I can give you a rough price per square foot range to help you understand the budget you need. For labor and materials, a steel exposed fastener metal roof costs around $4.50 to $6.50 per square foot. 

Keep in mind that this is for an entire roof replacement, so where your roof falls in the numbers above depends on your area, the roofer you hire, and other cost factors. However, most exposed fastener metal roofs will be in or around the price range. 

What warranties come with an exposed fastener metal roof?

An exposed fastener metal roof comes with two types of warranties: workmanship and material. A workmanship warranty is provided by a roofing company to cover any problems or leaks caused by errors when installing an exposed fastener metal roof. 

The length of workmanship warranties varies, going anywhere from 2 to 25 years to even lifetime guarantees. That’s why it’s crucial to look for a strong workmanship warranty (at least 10 years) when choosing a roofing company.

An exposed fastener metal roof’s material warranty isn’t on the metal itself but on the painted finish applied during manufacturing. This paint protects the color and panels from the wear and tear caused by the elements, so it’s crucial that it’s protected during installation.

However, the length varies based on the manufacturer and the type applied to the panels.

How often do the screws on an exposed fastener metal roof need to be replaced? 

As you learned in the beginning, an exposed fastener metal roof’s lack of expansion capabilities causes pressure to wallow out the screws as the roof ages. Because of this, your roofing contractor will have to replace the screws with a size up every 5-10 years. 

screws backing out on an exposed fastener metal roof

Failing to do this will lead to roof leaks until the screws are changed out. If it gets bad enough, wind can get under the panels and lift them during strong storms.  

Unfortunately, you won’t know it’s time until it’s too late. However, it’s easily avoidable with a yearly maintenance inspection. 

In fact, changing out the screws when it’s time is an important piece of maintaining an exposed fastener metal roof. That’s why investing in roof maintenance is crucial, whether it’s metal or another roofing material.

Will you hear rain hit an exposed fastener metal roof?

Yes, you’ll hear rain hit an exposed fastener metal roof. However, the makeup of your home affects how loud the noise is. 

An insulated attic space above the ceiling dulls the noise a bit. If you have a two-story home, the bottom floor obviously won’t be as loud as the upstairs. 

While your home plays a role, so does the type of rain. A light rain sounds like soft tapping or leaves rustling, which isn’t hard to tune out. 

However, a normal rain shower sounds like little beads hitting a hard surface. And if it’s heavy enough, there will be a continuous echo throughout your home that sounds like a muffled drum roll. 

You can do things to help the noise, but you’ll always hear rain hit a metal roof. That’s why you need to decide if it’s a deal breaker or something you can tolerate before deciding if metal roofing is right for you.

How does an exposed fastener metal roof compare to a standing seam metal roof?

Now you know what an exposed fastener metal roof is and the things every homeowner needs to know about it. At the end of the day, it’s a good roof system as long as it’s installed correctly. 

Just remember the maintenance required and that there will be noise when it rains. Now it’s up to you to determine if an exposed fastener metal roof is right for you. 

But before making your decision, you need to know how it compares to the other metal roof system. There are major differences between the two, and each is better for specific situations in residential roofing. 

That’s why I wrote another article comparing the two types of metal roof systems on key decision-making factors.

Check out Standing Seam vs. Screw Down Metal Roofing to see how the two types of metal roofs compare to each other.New call-to-action

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