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Asphalt Shingle Roof

What are Dimensional Shingles?

September 6th, 2024 | 6 min. read

What are Dimensional Shingles?

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Are you trying to choose the right roofing material for your upcoming roof replacement? Do you keep hearing about dimensional shingles?

Obviously, they’re shingles. But just simply getting a definition doesn’t tell the full story. 

Unfortunately, roofers aren’t always the best at explaining things to homeowners, especially when it comes to roofing-specific terms and the different roofing materials. This leads to confusion and making the wrong decisions. 

For over 30 years, Bill Ragan Roofing has taken the time to educate homeowners on every aspect of their roofing project. So, let’s break down everything you need to know about dimensional shingles. 

By the end of this article, you’ll have the answers to the following questions:

  • What are dimensional shingles? 
  • How long do dimensional shingles last?
  • What warranties come with dimensional shingles?
  • How much does a dimensional shingle roof cost?
  • How well do dimensional shingles stand up to storm damage?
  • Do dimensional shingles need maintenance?

What are dimensional shingles? 

Dimensional shingles (more commonly known as architectural shingles) are an asphalt-based roofing material consisting of fiberglass, tar, and granules on a fiberglass mat. They provide a roof dimension or simulate the look of a wood-shake roof with certain colors.

dimensional asphalt shinlges

Not only are dimensional shingles the most popular asphalt shingle, but they are also the most common type of roofing material installed on roofs today. The popularity simply comes down to the quality they offer while still being affordable.

examples of different dimensional shingles

And because they’re so popular, dimensional shingles are widely available in the United States. This means you’ll have no problem finding them, and plenty of color options are available. 

How long do dimensional shingles last?

Besides the increase in home value and curb appeal, a roof’s ROI is its lifespan. No matter the shingle type, an asphalt roof should last around 80% of the maximum manufactured-stated lifespan as long as it's properly installed and properly ventilated.

Dimensional shingles have a stated lifespan of 30 years, so you can realistically expect them to last around 22-25 years. Just keep in mind that many factors impact how long a roof actually lasts. 

However, you’ll get as close as possible to its maximum lifespan if the dimensional shingle roof is properly installed with adequate attic ventilation, you invest in quality, and hire a reputable roofer

What warranties come with dimensional shingles?

Dimensional shingles come with a basic 30-year material warranty (prorated after 10 years) to protect against manufacturer defects. However, you can upgrade to an enhanced warranty by getting a full roof system from a single manufacturer and hiring a certified roofer.

This 50-year non-prorated warranty ensures the manufacturer covers your entire roof system (dimensional shingles and the other roofing components) for the roof’s life. If just one component fails, they'll pay to replace your entire asphalt roof (labor and materials). 

While the defect warranty is the main one, dimensional shingles also come with algae and wind resistance warranties. However, how long they’ll last varies by shingle manufacturer.

How much does a dimensional shingle roof cost?

I can’t give you an exact price for a new dimensional shingle roof due to all the factors that impact a roof’s cost. However, I can give you an idea of the budget you’ll need.

architectural asphalt shingle roof

For a two-story house with a little complexity and good accessibility, you can expect a dimensional shingle roof to cost around $5.86 per square foot. Just keep in mind that this price isn’t just for the shingles but also for the other components and labor costs.

The components you'll pay for, along with the asphalt shingles, to form a roof system include:

If your roof is missing just one of these components, I guarantee you’ll have problems. That’s why you must invest in quality over trying to get the cheapest roof possible to avoid left-off materials, cut corners, and lazy workmanship.

How well do dimensional shingles stand up to storm damage?

Dimensional shingles are more prone to storm damage than other materials, but the durability depends on the type of damage. Hail damage is the biggest concern when it comes to durability.  

If hail is big enough, it will absolutely damage dimensional shingles. Even a lot of smaller hail during a strong storm can damage them enough for a viable claim

However, certain brands and dimensional shingle lines are specifically designed with a stronger impact-resistant rating. Unlike hail damage, dimensional shingles are pretty resilient when it comes to wind damage. 

Most dimensional shingles can withstand up to 110 mph winds, and most manufacturers offer a warranty to back it up. Some even offer a 130-mph wind warranty if you combine the shingles with their other specified components. 

Do dimensional shingles need maintenance?

Just like your car needs tune-ups, dimensional shingles need maintenance to keep it running smoothly throughout its life. In fact, regular roof maintenance is one of the best ways to maximize any roof’s lifespan

It keeps your dimensional shingles and roof system fully functioning, catches future problems, and prevents leaks before they start. Roof maintenance is also the perfect chance to clear your roof of sitting debris that can shorten your shingle’s lifespan if left for too long.

The last thing you want is for a small problem to snowball into an expensive repair and damage your home’s interior. With roof maintenance, you can avoid this. 

How do dimensional shingles compare to the other types of asphalt shingles?

Now you know the main things you need to know about dimensional shingles, from what they are to maintaining them. At this point, you should have a good idea if they’re the right roofing material for you. 

After all, there’s a reason dimensional shingles (more commonly referred to as architectural) are the most common type installed on roofs in the United States. Just keep in mind that there are two other asphalt shingle types.

So, how can you be sure you’re making the right decision without knowing what the other two offer and how they compare to dimensional shingles? That’s why I wrote another article comparing the three types of asphalt shingles to truly help you make the best decision. 

Check out 3-tab vs. Dimensional vs. Luxury Asphalt Shingles to learn the pros and cons for each type and how they match up on key decision-making factors.

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